It's going on three weeks without a post, now. But then it's also going on three weeks since I've really been able to play WoW too.
This is the consequence of
- deciding to move back across the ocean to my home country,
- getting a new job and
- applying to a study fellowship so I can have the privilege of going to grad school and work in the field at the same time.
But, gosh do I miss my main right now in WoW. I've only been able to play a few stray hours here or there for the past several weeks. And it's kinda no fun to log Merinna so I can think about all the raids I'm missing, or the gear I'm not earning; or the achievements I'm not getting done. Most times, I don't have even an hour to run a daily heroic. So, instead of spending a sad hour with Mer, I sorta hide out on one alternate or another so that there's not really anyone around when I have to slink off back to studying or whatever.